To unite for mutual  benefit those public officials and private persons engaged in the control of arson and kindred crimes.

To provide for exchange of technical information and developments.

To cooperate with other law enforcement agencies and associations to further fire prevention and the suppression of crime.

To encourage high professional standards of conduct among members and to continually strive to eliminate all factors which interfere with administration of justice.  

I will conduct both my personal and official life so as to inspire the confidence of the public.

I will not use my profession and my position of trust for personal advantage or profit.

I will regard my fellow investigators with the same standards as I hold for myself.

I will never betray a confidence nor otherwise jeopardize their investigation

I will regard it my duty to know my work thoroughly.  It is my further duty to avail myself of every opportunity to learn more about my profession.

I will avoid alliances with those whose goals are inconsistent with an honest and unbiased investigation.

I will make no claim to professional qualifications which I do not possess.

I will share all publicity equally with my fellow investigators whether such publicity if favorable or unfavorable.

I will be loyal to my superiors, to my subordinates, and to the organization I represent.

I will bear in mind always that I am a truth-seeker not a case maker, that it is more important to protect the innocent than to convict the guilty.

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Oregon I.A.A.I. - Chapter 31

International Association of Arson Investigators

Membership renewals are no longer being handled through the International Association.  Please only submit payments to your local Oregon Chapter 31.

Contact our Administrator, Jessica Carpenter, at oregoniaai31@gmail.com with any questions or for any assistance. 

We welcome new members year round, however due to the nominal membership rates we do not offer pro-rated dues so please take this into consideration when signing up to be a new member.  Membership renewals and annual dues are due on September 1.


  • Discounted training opportunities at our annual seminar and local training.

  • Professional development through IAAI classes. 

  • Networking opportunities with other members and expert instructors.

  • Eligibility for awards and scholarships.

  • Eligibility to serve on the Oregon IAAI Board of Directors.

  • Access to our exclusive "Members Only" sections - Oregon Membership list, member surveys and  bylaws & policies.

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* Membership level


Any representative of government, or of a government agency, or of a business or industrial concern, who is actively engaged in some phase of active arson prevention, fire investigation, the investigation and exposure of criminal or civil arson and kindred crimes, or the prosecution of arson, at the time he or she makes application, shall be eligible for active membership in the Chapter, provided that such person possesses all other qualifications for membership set forth in these Bylaws and is not less than eighteen years of age.


Those entities who do not meet the qualifications for Active or Associate membership and would like to be involved in the organization may make a minimum $250 annual donation to the Chapter and be provided a Corporate Sponsorship status. The Corporate sponsorship does not allow voting at the Annual General Meeting.


Applicants not qualified for active membership may be admitted to the Chapter as associate members, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, after due consideration of the applicants’ application and qualifications. Those seeking associate membership should have some background related to or connected to fire investigations. Associate members shall have all of the privileges of an active member, with the exceptions of voting and holding office. The Chapter may, by a majority vote of active members present, exclude associate members from any particular meeting of the Chapter.

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